Economy and Trade
Fair Pay Fair Trade
It is financially almost impossible for any company in the UK to manufacture most electronic devices like mobile phones and computers, the same goes for most clothes we buy here.
This is because labour in China and elsewhere is very poorly paid and conditions are often poor.
We would introduce import certification on every item. The certificate would show that workers had been paid the UK minimum wage and conditions of work including health and safety are similar to what we have. We would ask the European Parliament to legislate in the same way.
This certification will not only be fair but would again allow manufacturers in the UK and Europe to compete on a level playing field.
Fair Pay is a human right, anything less is exploitation of the developing world.
The current Fair Trade movement has little effect on the developing world at best. At worst it simply serves to make us feel good.
Certified Fair Pay and Fair Trade is the way forward.
The Party believes in Global Trade. But it must be a level playing field. Above all human rights and dignity must be respected by the buyer and seller.
Not only will Fair Pay and Fair Trade enable global partners to be trading equally and safely, it will allow Britain to again manufacture products that were not possible because of the abundance of very cheap labour in the Developing or more accurately the Exploited world.
This is not protectionism, as it is not one way, but will have a similar positive effect whilst promoting fair and safe trade for all. Britain will once again be a great manufacturing and exporting nation.
This policy will allow Britain to begin to address the massive and increasing Trade Deficit with China, India and other cheap labour countries. We continue to buy goods with IOU's. We have not earned the cash to pay for them.
This massive and increasing Trade Deficit is unsustainable. It is far more unstable and damaging than the Credit Crunch and the banking Crisis.
This was the headline policy of the Fair Pay Fair Trade Party. That party (now dissolved) polled over 7,500 in the SW Euro elections 2010. It had a similar manifesto to the Free Public Transport Party, which it morphed into.
Infrastructure Building
Quantitative Easing aka printing money, will be used to pay for large scale infrastructure. Currently QE is used to pay banks for loan certificates - we do not see any direct benefit. Too much QE will be inflationary. Using the funds to improve our environment and quality of life will at the same time create jobs and opportunities. It makes sense to use QE for capital projects rather than revenue which would not be sustainable.
Infrastructure includes schools, hospitals, transport, community facilities, housing, small industrial units, sewage, environmental protection. etc.
Loans and interest rate
Interest rates to be a maximum of 5% p.a. It would be a criminal offense to charge more. This would apply to personal loans and mortgages. 5% is plenty of profit and well above inflation.
far less government interference and regulation in how mortgages can be offered. Entrepreneurs often depend on equity release and interest only mortgages to start their business. Banks will not lend on projects without a proven track record or some proof that the entrepreneur is likely to succeed. First time buyers need an interest free loan from government for their deposit. see housing for more
Fair Pay Fair Trade
It is financially almost impossible for any company in the UK to manufacture most electronic devices like mobile phones and computers, the same goes for most clothes we buy here.
This is because labour in China and elsewhere is very poorly paid and conditions are often poor.
We would introduce import certification on every item. The certificate would show that workers had been paid the UK minimum wage and conditions of work including health and safety are similar to what we have. We would ask the European Parliament to legislate in the same way.
This certification will not only be fair but would again allow manufacturers in the UK and Europe to compete on a level playing field.
Fair Pay is a human right, anything less is exploitation of the developing world.
The current Fair Trade movement has little effect on the developing world at best. At worst it simply serves to make us feel good.
Certified Fair Pay and Fair Trade is the way forward.
The Party believes in Global Trade. But it must be a level playing field. Above all human rights and dignity must be respected by the buyer and seller.
Not only will Fair Pay and Fair Trade enable global partners to be trading equally and safely, it will allow Britain to again manufacture products that were not possible because of the abundance of very cheap labour in the Developing or more accurately the Exploited world.
This is not protectionism, as it is not one way, but will have a similar positive effect whilst promoting fair and safe trade for all. Britain will once again be a great manufacturing and exporting nation.
This policy will allow Britain to begin to address the massive and increasing Trade Deficit with China, India and other cheap labour countries. We continue to buy goods with IOU's. We have not earned the cash to pay for them.
This massive and increasing Trade Deficit is unsustainable. It is far more unstable and damaging than the Credit Crunch and the banking Crisis.
This was the headline policy of the Fair Pay Fair Trade Party. That party (now dissolved) polled over 7,500 in the SW Euro elections 2010. It had a similar manifesto to the Free Public Transport Party, which it morphed into.
Infrastructure Building
Quantitative Easing aka printing money, will be used to pay for large scale infrastructure. Currently QE is used to pay banks for loan certificates - we do not see any direct benefit. Too much QE will be inflationary. Using the funds to improve our environment and quality of life will at the same time create jobs and opportunities. It makes sense to use QE for capital projects rather than revenue which would not be sustainable.
Infrastructure includes schools, hospitals, transport, community facilities, housing, small industrial units, sewage, environmental protection. etc.
Loans and interest rate
Interest rates to be a maximum of 5% p.a. It would be a criminal offense to charge more. This would apply to personal loans and mortgages. 5% is plenty of profit and well above inflation.
far less government interference and regulation in how mortgages can be offered. Entrepreneurs often depend on equity release and interest only mortgages to start their business. Banks will not lend on projects without a proven track record or some proof that the entrepreneur is likely to succeed. First time buyers need an interest free loan from government for their deposit. see housing for more