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All trains and buses to be free.
Exclusive bus lanes on motorways and around towns and cities. Not shared by taxis and motorbikes.
Segregated bicycle lanes
Pedestrians always to have right of way. Roads will be treated like a continuous Zebra Crossing. Cars must stop.
Towns and City centres will be car free. Market stalls, tables, chairs, gardens and play equipment will replace traffic.
Emergency access and electric assisted hand carts for deliveries from a vehicle delivery hub.
Massive increase in number of buses, planned increase in number of trains and reopen Beeching stations and lines.
Obviously nationalise the railways and buses, not give away artificially generated profits.
Free transport will be funded by an increase in the cost of petrol and diesel and many policy savings e.g. the abolition of prisons. Subsidies will be put in place for rural drivers until full public transport becomes available.
Public transport will be upgraded to offer everything private cars offer but more. Buses will be more comfortable, more efficient, quicker and far less polluting and less dangerous to other road users.
Long distance busses will have toilets, cafes, wifi. Ultimately they will be driver-less and ultra safe.
Busses can very quickly be introduced as opposed to 20 years for new rail. We support new railway infrastructure, including HS2, HS3 to HSN+1.
There will be private bookable carriages on trains and buses for business meetings or whatever. No first class. It's incredible that we still have different classes in public transport. All passengers should experience first class travel.
Giving up car use and ownership will not be a sacrifice, it will be a vast improvement to individuals and to the environment.
All vehicles will be clean. Existing combustion engines to be fitted with 99% efficient scrubbers. These will collect pollutants such as NO's, carbon particulates, SO2, CO, releasing only water and CO2. We need to regard the air like we regard the rivers. Let's not dump anything toxic into either.
Transport can be seen as a single issue but its reform can radically improve how we live and relate to each other in our towns and cities. It's about quality of life.
Cars kill about 1 million people a year worldwide and injure 20 million. That's not justifiable as a means of transport.
Other parties are happy to continue as we are, coasting along, with only minor reforms. Politicians have no grand exciting vision. We may get a new supermarket or discuss airports and new rail lines for years. Whilst the wealth gap increases under all governments, Britain remains the same old place dominated by large cars and lorries.
Redundant public transport will be an essential part of the comprehensive transport service. Most car owners don't use their car most of the time. Nevertheless, the knowledge that we have a car parked on the road, gives us the freedom to know we can use it whenever we wish.
The same redundancy is needed for public transport. There may be busses and trains traveling that are empty. They give us comfort to know that every 10 minutes there is a bus at the bottom of our road, that we can take whenever we need to.
This can be made more efficient by having smaller vehicles on standby, so as to reduce larger empty vehicle use.
Back to Manifesto
All trains and buses to be free.
Exclusive bus lanes on motorways and around towns and cities. Not shared by taxis and motorbikes.
Segregated bicycle lanes
Pedestrians always to have right of way. Roads will be treated like a continuous Zebra Crossing. Cars must stop.
Towns and City centres will be car free. Market stalls, tables, chairs, gardens and play equipment will replace traffic.
Emergency access and electric assisted hand carts for deliveries from a vehicle delivery hub.
Massive increase in number of buses, planned increase in number of trains and reopen Beeching stations and lines.
Obviously nationalise the railways and buses, not give away artificially generated profits.
Free transport will be funded by an increase in the cost of petrol and diesel and many policy savings e.g. the abolition of prisons. Subsidies will be put in place for rural drivers until full public transport becomes available.
Public transport will be upgraded to offer everything private cars offer but more. Buses will be more comfortable, more efficient, quicker and far less polluting and less dangerous to other road users.
Long distance busses will have toilets, cafes, wifi. Ultimately they will be driver-less and ultra safe.
Busses can very quickly be introduced as opposed to 20 years for new rail. We support new railway infrastructure, including HS2, HS3 to HSN+1.
There will be private bookable carriages on trains and buses for business meetings or whatever. No first class. It's incredible that we still have different classes in public transport. All passengers should experience first class travel.
Giving up car use and ownership will not be a sacrifice, it will be a vast improvement to individuals and to the environment.
All vehicles will be clean. Existing combustion engines to be fitted with 99% efficient scrubbers. These will collect pollutants such as NO's, carbon particulates, SO2, CO, releasing only water and CO2. We need to regard the air like we regard the rivers. Let's not dump anything toxic into either.
Transport can be seen as a single issue but its reform can radically improve how we live and relate to each other in our towns and cities. It's about quality of life.
Cars kill about 1 million people a year worldwide and injure 20 million. That's not justifiable as a means of transport.
Other parties are happy to continue as we are, coasting along, with only minor reforms. Politicians have no grand exciting vision. We may get a new supermarket or discuss airports and new rail lines for years. Whilst the wealth gap increases under all governments, Britain remains the same old place dominated by large cars and lorries.
Redundant public transport will be an essential part of the comprehensive transport service. Most car owners don't use their car most of the time. Nevertheless, the knowledge that we have a car parked on the road, gives us the freedom to know we can use it whenever we wish.
The same redundancy is needed for public transport. There may be busses and trains traveling that are empty. They give us comfort to know that every 10 minutes there is a bus at the bottom of our road, that we can take whenever we need to.
This can be made more efficient by having smaller vehicles on standby, so as to reduce larger empty vehicle use.
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